This week’s Mintage Monday was an easy decision, since I played CO2 Second Chance just this last Friday!

Unfortunately I don’t have a heck of a lot positive to say about the game, but I will say I like the coins! They’re extremely thematic, tied very closely to the graphic design and art direction of the game. The coins are a nice finish, thickness, and weight.

My only problem? Both the “2” and “5” denomination coins are silver, and even though they’re different sizes, at a glance it’s nearly impossible to tell them apart, especially across the table. In truth, I’m not entirely sure why they bothered with the “2” coins at all, but I’m not going to complain about extra metal coins in my game!

It’s shame I have a visceral dislike for the game, otherwise these coins would be staying in my collection. As it stands, they’re going with the game. Oh well.

CLICK HERE for the archive of previous Mintage Monday posts, and check back every Monday for more awesome metal coins you can add to your favorite board games!