This week I want to highlight the coins from Stonemaier Games’s Charterstone!
These are fantastic coins for any game with a single denomination. They’re chunky and heavy with a really nice feel and sound. The pseudo art-deco design looks really classy, and is just themeless enough to work in nearly anything from fantasy to historical to steampunk to futuristic.
In our collection I could easily see them used for Alchemists, RussianRailroads, Ulm, Village, or Lancaster. In our case, we chose to pair them with Daily Magic Games’s Villages Of Valeria!
They’re bigger than the game’s standard gold tokens, so they don’t fit perfectly on the cards, but that’s a small trade-off for a major aesthetic upgrade.
Very much like the Seafall coins, this is the kind of coin design I’d like to see more of. Generic in theme while still aesthetically pleasing, suitable for use with nearly any game. In fact, I’d love to see this specific design extended with 5- and 10-denomination coins. I hope Jamey Stegmaier keeps these in stock.
CLICK HERE for the archive of previous Mintage Monday posts, and check back every Monday for more awesome metal coins you can add to your favorite board games!